Friday, August 13, 2010

Too busy....

It has been awhile, just too busy..

This week we had two days that the power was out and rather than start the generator I thought the girls and I could experience no tv, UHF, radio or phone... quite nice although it would have been good to have the microwave to heat up bottles... the girls get a lil' impatient when it comes to bottle time. We had fun doing some arts and crafts, had picnics, as usual read lots of books and I also cleaned out the girls built-ins.... so many clothes for 2 x one years olds!
We have had a pretty busy couple of weeks, so I though I'd share some snaps.

The girls love to have a play in the dirt while we cut firewood.

Besides getting firewood we have not long finished lamb marking. So off we hiked, packed lunches, packed dune buggys, their tractors and trucks and off to see the lambs.The girls knew with each trip out to the paddock they would get a ride on a bike.

I love that one, with Poppy doing the 'Rock-On' fingers!

Millie climbing the fence... one day she will be a great helper.

moving rams..

they also love going and checking how many eggs the chooks have laid.

The station is still looking pretty green, hopefully we can score some more rain in the next few weeks to keep it nice and lush. MM is happy with last weeks muster of goats, so a few days later a b-double came and picked up 1000 to head to Melb, a further 400 to BH and 440 lambs off to Ouyen. Not a bad week.
Yesterday MM and I got stuck into some gardening. We started with the veggie garden and re-planted this seasons vege. I can't wait for the cherry tomatoes, very yummy in the summer. I think I do best at lettuce, you name it whatever type I can grow it! oh and weeds... we also started on the rose garden, aaargh, so much clover. We managed an hour yesterdaY afternoon and another hour today. Hopefully by tommorrow afternoon it should be de-weeded..phew!
Oh, I nearly forgot... I have borrowed a friends horse. Just on loan to see if I can find enough time to ride, sadly it's not working out as I'd hoped. Luckily Walker is a fantastic horse, I think we suit each other, he is older and only wants to be ridden a couples of times a week and thats about all I can give him. The girls love taking him for walks and riding their bikes over to feed him. So I thinks he's more therapuetical than anything for all of us. Whenever I hear the girls 'click clicking' at the window, I know he's outside chewing on the clover.
Til next time,

Friday, June 18, 2010

Just another week....

As promised, my babies first birthday party....

Well we have just got back from our trip to Cobar. The girls travelled really good with a couple of stop offs to eat and have a play...thankgod for playgyms in the middle of nowhere!! We had a great time catching up with family, dinners, card nights and a night out... yep we were both sick afterwards, we are so out of practise.

Back home now and have plenty to do. Catch up on some yardwork. We need to do some painting before we get ready to tile. Then the house will be nearly finished. I'll have to post some photos of the house next blog. Thats after we get our camera fixed also :(

Just before we left for Cobar MM sold some lambs, and he is very happy with the prices. Best he has ever got...maybe time to hit him up for a couple of ponies for the girls hehe. The place is looking pretty good, or so I'm told. The girls and I haven't been out too much lately, luckily we have good weather at the moment so a trip out to the paddock is in order.

A couple of weekends ago MM took the girls and I in town for lunch and a trip to Copi Hollow (lake) the girls loved running around the grass and having a play on the playgym. I can't wait for summer so we can pull the boat out for a ski!

Best get going, one of my girls just woke...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Just a quick catch up....

Just thought I'd write a quick catch up... First of all our babies turned one on the 14th May. I think they had a wonderful day, so many friends came and the kids all played fabuously. The girls received plenty of pressies which they love, plenty of books which is great cause at the moment the girls love grabbing a book and perching up on my lap for storytime. We read at least 20 a day... We also ended up getting the girls a jumping castle as well, they love to have a jump and go down the slide.. will post some pics next blog.
It was great to have the weekend in town for Agfair, got to catch up with so many friends that we don't get to see often. Had an agents bbq, which we could take the kids along too, so that was great, and the kids loved wandering around checking everything out.
We are off to Cobar next week to visit family, a much overdue visit. I can't wait for Grandma and Grandad to see the girls, they will be so suprised at how much they have grown and of course how super talented they are... they know their eyes, mouth, ears, head, hair, toes, fingers, can clap their hands and the cutest thing is when you ask them to go upside down, they put their head on the ground and bums in the air... too cute.
Had a trip into town yesterday (on my own) to get stores, a haircut and do a lil' shopping for the girls and myself... totally forgot about dad who needs new underwear and socks ooops!
Better get going, have lots of washing and tidying up to do before the girls wake from their morning nap.
Will post some happy snaps next time. Til then, Rebxx

Friday, April 30, 2010

Its been awhile...

MM has some family and friends out at the moment and have gone shooting, so what better was to spend my time by blogging...right?
So much to write about the girls, I'll start with Millie. She now has 5 teeth!! and guess what she's walking... well nearly running actually!! Loves playing with her toy horses, and having a dance.
Poppy still only has two bottom teeth, but I'm thinking that there may be another one or two coming through at the moment. Poppy has just started to stand, I don't think she'll quite make walking by their birthday...
Yep, in a fortnight my babies will be 1. The year has flown. We have sent out invites, organised party food (need to get more as MM and I have ate quite alot of it..oops!) and decorations, can't wait til the big day. We've got the girls a playgym to put in the yard, they are also getting a table and chairs setting and a seesaw from family. The girls now love going outside for playtime, and I love getting out of the house.
Recently we spent a fortnight in Broken Hill and worked on our townhouse as well as took the girls to kindergym, cubby and a few times to the park. I think they really enjoyed the socialising. Last week we went to a NSW Farmers meeting on another station 60km from Bono, the girls played with the other children and were fantastic, even though we got home quite late!
Great news is that while we were in BH we seen a paed and we are now on a medicated formula as the girls didn't seem too comfortable on the previous ones.... and guess what they have slept through ever since that first bottle...finally...sleep! I finally feel human again.
Today we went to Kieara (a set of yards and shed) and had lunch with MM. The girls loved having a play and they love checking out the sheep. I'm sure they will be great helpers one day.
The vegie garden is going well. We have two types of lettuce, cucumbers, broccoli, sweetcorn etc. We have to make some room somewhere to plant the pumpkin and potato though.
We're looking forward to heading into BH next weekend for Agfair. I love having a look around the stalls and it's a great spot to catch up with everyone.
Better get to bed, its late.
Night night....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Finally some pics..

Girls first Christmas, 2009
Craig and Millie

My family

Millie, 9 months

Poppy, 9 months

Our girls Poppy (left) and Millie. 9 mnths.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The last laugh...

OK, so I haven't put up pics...yet! Surely I must be doing something wrong, it seems to take forever just to upload one pic...diddums. But it will happen.
So, I finished typing my first blog and told MM what I had been doing. After reading my first post (I was feeling ever so proud), MM had a laugh and asked who is going to follow me? ... typical male... *wink*
That night MM and I discussed MY veggie patch, isn't funny how you mention you are going to do something then they just run with the idea. Well he has decided where we're having this one, and what we're using.... hhmmm do you think he will look after it for me also?
I couldn't sleep that night as I was thinking what could I plant, so the next morning I was right onto it and searched the net for what veggies are likely to survive out here. Luckily I have plenty to choose from, so this weekend we are heading into town and right on top of my shopping list is seeds. This afternoon I thought the girls and I would make some seedling planters to start off. My veggie patch will be lebanese cucumber, Mini Zuchinni, Button Squash, Green beans, Lettuce, Cherry tomatoes, potatoes and some cocktail onions. Whoohoo can't wait for a few months time.
Girls are going great, although poor lil Millie has had a fever for the last couple of days... we're thinking it's her teeth...poor love. Looky here, I have two little visitors with me at the moment they have actually just found me in the office, they crawl so fast now.
Exciting to say that we have had some rain over the last few days. Not too sure how much exactly as MM looks at the gauge quite often (like a kid in a candy store, and I can't keep up to how many mls). Looks like a good start to 2010 for Bono.
On a sadder note we have lost one of our chooks, thats two this month, although they were two of the older ones, might have to get dad to bring some more over next visit.
Gotta go and play with the girls, one has dads mobile and the other is wrapping herself up in the mouse cord..
Till I get back from my shopping expedition, Rebxx

Monday, February 1, 2010

Us at the pool in my hometown, Cobar

Us at the girls Christening in Dec. Thats Poppy on the left and Millie on the right

Little Millie and MM when Flying Padre came for pre-baptismal consult

Here we go...

After reading so many exciting blogs that my friends have done I have decided to
attempt this myself.
Abit about my family, we live on a sheep station in Western NSW. We breed crossbred lambs (merino x suffolk) on 130,000acres. In 2009 MM has calculated trapping/mustering 7500 goats also. Good for the bank, just not the country. We are nestled alongside the Darling River, and I mean it is right at our back door. Great news is that the river has rose 4 meters due to the floods in the top of NSW and Southern QLD. The Charliestone Creek which runs through the top end of the station has also got a flow - meaning a feast of yabbies. With rain expected this week there is a smile from ear to ear on MM's face.
I'm originally from a small town in Central Western NSW, born and raised. Moved to Broken Hill when I was 18 and worked for Country Energy and later the City Council both in accounting. Til I met MM. Three years into the romance I moved to the station and besides chasing sheep around the paddock I was working at the local school 25kms up the road...very different to what I'd had ever done, but the kids we're great.... nothing like patching up skinned knees with bandaids compared to End of Month financials.
MM and I lived together for 18months then he popped the question...on my birthday, bless him he was so nervous. MM set up a marquee down by the river. We both cried, drunk some wine and made plenty of phone calls to relatives and friends.
We married in Mildura at Trentham Estate on 10 May 08 with family and close friends there. It was an awesome day, couldn't have picked a more perfect husband!!! Lucky me..
After trying to fall pregnant (it only took 3 weeks) we found out we were expecting twins.... there were many tears (all from me) MM had no idea what to expect having never been around babies. I was thinking OMG, how was I going to carry these two?, thats two lots of everything, thats alot of crying, it's a new car and I knew that the station would have to take a step back for the first year at the least. Well glad to say that on 14 May 09 we became parents to two delightful girls, Millie and Poppy. They make us smile every day, with the little things they do. They can both say mum and dad and have just sprung there second tooth each. Twins are very hard work at first, but 8 months down the track the sleepless nights and long days are really paying off.
We love going to the nearby lakes with friends for a ski on warm days, as well as having neighbours/friends and family stay over for bbqs. I am going to attempt to get our veggie patch going this year. We have tried before the girls came along, but the bloody rams kept getting into everything, I think I might use our electric tape to keep them at bay this time (although if anyone has some suggestions I would love to hear them). They even chew all the oranges off the tree. Not to mention the ram who ran straight through the fence and knocked out the brick pillars in the process! Buggers
Well that might be enough for now. I'll post some pics up of the station and family next post.
Til next time take care.