Friday, April 30, 2010

Its been awhile...

MM has some family and friends out at the moment and have gone shooting, so what better was to spend my time by blogging...right?
So much to write about the girls, I'll start with Millie. She now has 5 teeth!! and guess what she's walking... well nearly running actually!! Loves playing with her toy horses, and having a dance.
Poppy still only has two bottom teeth, but I'm thinking that there may be another one or two coming through at the moment. Poppy has just started to stand, I don't think she'll quite make walking by their birthday...
Yep, in a fortnight my babies will be 1. The year has flown. We have sent out invites, organised party food (need to get more as MM and I have ate quite alot of it..oops!) and decorations, can't wait til the big day. We've got the girls a playgym to put in the yard, they are also getting a table and chairs setting and a seesaw from family. The girls now love going outside for playtime, and I love getting out of the house.
Recently we spent a fortnight in Broken Hill and worked on our townhouse as well as took the girls to kindergym, cubby and a few times to the park. I think they really enjoyed the socialising. Last week we went to a NSW Farmers meeting on another station 60km from Bono, the girls played with the other children and were fantastic, even though we got home quite late!
Great news is that while we were in BH we seen a paed and we are now on a medicated formula as the girls didn't seem too comfortable on the previous ones.... and guess what they have slept through ever since that first bottle...finally...sleep! I finally feel human again.
Today we went to Kieara (a set of yards and shed) and had lunch with MM. The girls loved having a play and they love checking out the sheep. I'm sure they will be great helpers one day.
The vegie garden is going well. We have two types of lettuce, cucumbers, broccoli, sweetcorn etc. We have to make some room somewhere to plant the pumpkin and potato though.
We're looking forward to heading into BH next weekend for Agfair. I love having a look around the stalls and it's a great spot to catch up with everyone.
Better get to bed, its late.
Night night....