It has been awhile, just too busy..
This week we had two days that the power was out and rather than start the generator I thought the girls and I could experience no tv, UHF, radio or phone... quite nice although it would have been good to have the microwave to heat up bottles... the girls get a lil' impatient when it comes to bottle time. We had fun doing some arts and crafts, had picnics, as usual read lots of books and I also cleaned out the girls built-ins.... so many clothes for 2 x one years olds!
We have had a pretty busy couple of weeks, so I though I'd share some snaps.
The girls love to have a play in the dirt while we cut firewood.
Besides getting firewood we have not long finished lamb marking. So off we hiked, packed lunches, packed dune buggys, their tractors and trucks and off to see the lambs.The girls knew with each trip out to the paddock they would get a ride on a bike.
I love that one, with Poppy doing the 'Rock-On' fingers!
Millie climbing the fence... one day she will be a great helper.

moving rams..

they also love going and checking how many eggs the chooks have laid.

The station is still looking pretty green, hopefully we can score some more rain in the next few weeks to keep it nice and lush. MM is happy with last weeks muster of goats, so a few days later a b-double came and picked up 1000 to head to Melb, a further 400 to BH and 440 lambs off to Ouyen. Not a bad week.
Yesterday MM and I got stuck into some gardening. We started with the veggie garden and re-planted this seasons vege. I can't wait for the cherry tomatoes, very yummy in the summer. I think I do best at lettuce, you name it whatever type I can grow it! oh and weeds... we also started on the rose garden, aaargh, so much clover. We managed an hour yesterdaY afternoon and another hour today. Hopefully by tommorrow afternoon it should be de-weeded..phew!
Oh, I nearly forgot... I have borrowed a friends horse. Just on loan to see if I can find enough time to ride, sadly it's not working out as I'd hoped. Luckily Walker is a fantastic horse, I think we suit each other, he is older and only wants to be ridden a couples of times a week and thats about all I can give him. The girls love taking him for walks and riding their bikes over to feed him. So I thinks he's more therapuetical than anything for all of us. Whenever I hear the girls 'click clicking' at the window, I know he's outside chewing on the clover.
Til next time,