Thursday, May 9, 2013
Annual thang... maybe??
My babies are turning four next week..yikes.. yep four! and boy am i happy to call these two OURS.
Millie - The chatterbox. No matter whether she is talking to someone or herself this girls doesn't stop! Never a dull quiet moment in this house. Still loves dressing up although now it isn't wear. Holla! Loves writing shopping lists amd drawing pictures. This girl still amazes me at the things she knows and understands.
Poppy - Ever the dream child. So loving, kind, patient and emotional. Millie is so lucky to have a sister that gives into her every want. Poppy loves animals and babies. She loves watching movies, if she could watch one every minute of the day this would be totes alright with her! Although we have limitations to a show of an afternoon. Loves riding her pony and would do so everyday if would saddle her pony up.
Millie and Poppy are turning four on Tuesday so we are having a birthday party for them at home this saturday. Today was rhe day that we done lolly bags, wrapped pass-the-parcel and planned the big day. Pulling out the jumping castle is top of the agenda.
Girls have been riding their ponies quite a bit. Both girls are now trotting in the houseyard on their own.. Although the horse needs a little *mum* encouragement to get into a trot.
Very happy to say that the vege garden is thriving. Albeit the horses did get into the yard in the middle of the night, must have been too dark to find the produce. When MM told me he had found them in the yard I walked straight out the back to see the damage.. glad to say all plants intact! We grown fantastic lettuce, of all varieties.. although not so good with strawberries. Just can't get those babies to thrive. We have got lettuce (3 x varieties), capsicum (which is delish), snowpeas, celery, chives, tomatoes, spinach just to name a few. All going superb and helping to produce some gourmet meals.
The girls have started Preschool School of the Air.. (homeschooling for bush kids). They both love the work and look forward to each day. They are doing so well. Hopefully I'm doing ok as a teacher, sometimes its a struggle to swap roles from mother/teacher. But were getting through it.
Exciting news is that we put a pool in during summer. Living by the river has always scared me and even gave me nightmares BEFORE i had the girls. Now knowing that they are improving everyday that they are in that thing is truly a blessing that we could get one. Still a long way from be 'swimmers' the girls are improving none-the-less and are getting more water wise.. maybe that me in their ear everyday about water safety.
The country out this way is very dry. It has been about 10 months since we have had a decent rain. There have been a few showers here and there they all seemed to miss us. During summer MM was busy chasing waters every day as we are not only keeping up with our sheep and the agistment cattle , we are also watering a few thousand goats at any one time. Pressure was on throughout summer, we are slowly easing into winter and with another quite a few loads of goats carted off we are hoping for some rain to see us through winter and ease water problems.
Til next time,
Saturday, September 8, 2012
No excuses..
Yep. Horses. We got two ponies about a year ago, Coco and Milo. They are adorable and the girls love them. The girls have ridden to Pony Club and had a great day, well half day. They were so exhausted, I think from the anticpation that we left after lunch and they were asleep in their car seats before we had even left the PC grounds. We don't get to take them riding often, summer time we do more so. Whenever the ponies are hanging around the house we'll take them for a ride. At the moment the girls are looking forward to riding on the Show, only two weeks away. I'll try and remeber to post pics. We have got their little outfits all sorted and they are going in the fancy dress section and look adorable.
I also bought myself an Australia Stock Horse. Elle. and what a perfect match up we are. I took her to our first outing a few weeks ago and did soo well. I wasn't even expecting to be called in. But ened up coming home with a Reserve Champion Senior Rider, 4 first places and 4 seconds! Stoked;) Looking forward to going for long rides with the girls when they can ride on their own.
Station is going great. We had to move because of the floods.. again! But heh you should see the clover along the floodout river country, superb. I quite like moving out the back of the station, no power (generator power only) so its back to the kettle on the stove..I'd hate to keep track of the toast I burnt though, so many times I'd sit it under the grill and what for it to pop.. definately missed the toaster. We got the grass going out there again although it was much easier then the year before, just need water this time. So the girls had a swing set out there that passed the time. Being further from town I didn't get to take the girls in for as many playdates as usual, but it was great family bonding time as we seen much more of MM.
We have just finished shearing. This year was a milestone, the girls and I helped out alot more. We got the shed and quarters cleaned and ready for the shearing team. Helped with some of the mustering and even ran things at the shed for a couple of days whilst Craig was still bringing more sheep in. The girls were fantastic, whilst I was backlining and drafting they quite happily played around the shed/yards playing in the dirt. They love pushing sheep through the yards, they clap there hands whilst saying 'push up, push up'.. I'm sure they can't wait til their a foot taller though and don't have to cop so much dust.
MM has got some amazing number of goats of the land since we have moved back.. (we couldn't cart goats during the floods as trucks couldn't get in/out of the property due to creeks).. MM hired a plane and had himself and four other on the ground and cleaned them up. That was a few months ago, and I think he is planning another clean up again soon.
Last christmas we stayed home, the girls were spoilt by Santa. They got so much. But I'm sure the best present they got was their trampoline, and hasn't that got some mileage so far.. At least once a day the girls are jumping, hoping, dancing and chasing each other on it.. its huge.
I'll leave you with a few snaps of the last year.

Poppy on Milo
Sunday, April 17, 2011
We have played shop keepers
Early September was shearing and that just flew straight by me. The dad was off before daylight and home at dark. The girls and I kept busy, painting, dressups, colouring in. But we needed a change so during the week a couple of times we took the journey to the shearing shed and listened to the buzz of the handpieces and watched the shearers do what they do best.
Millie with her new friend
The colour workshop - great ladies day
One of the two kittens with Poppy
Wiggles concert - Adelaide
Stansbury Park - One of the stop off for Fish n' Chips whilst at Balgowan
Friday, August 13, 2010
Too busy....
This week we had two days that the power was out and rather than start the generator I thought the girls and I could experience no tv, UHF, radio or phone... quite nice although it would have been good to have the microwave to heat up bottles... the girls get a lil' impatient when it comes to bottle time. We had fun doing some arts and crafts, had picnics, as usual read lots of books and I also cleaned out the girls built-ins.... so many clothes for 2 x one years olds!
The girls love to have a play in the dirt while we cut firewood.
I love that one, with Poppy doing the 'Rock-On' fingers!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Just another week....

Well we have just got back from our trip to Cobar. The girls travelled really good with a couple of stop offs to eat and have a play...thankgod for playgyms in the middle of nowhere!! We had a great time catching up with family, dinners, card nights and a night out... yep we were both sick afterwards, we are so out of practise.
Back home now and have plenty to do. Catch up on some yardwork. We need to do some painting before we get ready to tile. Then the house will be nearly finished. I'll have to post some photos of the house next blog. Thats after we get our camera fixed also :(
Just before we left for Cobar MM sold some lambs, and he is very happy with the prices. Best he has ever got...maybe time to hit him up for a couple of ponies for the girls hehe. The place is looking pretty good, or so I'm told. The girls and I haven't been out too much lately, luckily we have good weather at the moment so a trip out to the paddock is in order.
A couple of weekends ago MM took the girls and I in town for lunch and a trip to Copi Hollow (lake) the girls loved running around the grass and having a play on the playgym. I can't wait for summer so we can pull the boat out for a ski!
Best get going, one of my girls just woke...
Friday, June 4, 2010
Just a quick catch up....
It was great to have the weekend in town for Agfair, got to catch up with so many friends that we don't get to see often. Had an agents bbq, which we could take the kids along too, so that was great, and the kids loved wandering around checking everything out.
We are off to Cobar next week to visit family, a much overdue visit. I can't wait for Grandma and Grandad to see the girls, they will be so suprised at how much they have grown and of course how super talented they are... they know their eyes, mouth, ears, head, hair, toes, fingers, can clap their hands and the cutest thing is when you ask them to go upside down, they put their head on the ground and bums in the air... too cute.
Had a trip into town yesterday (on my own) to get stores, a haircut and do a lil' shopping for the girls and myself... totally forgot about dad who needs new underwear and socks ooops!
Better get going, have lots of washing and tidying up to do before the girls wake from their morning nap.
Will post some happy snaps next time. Til then, Rebxx