Yep.. I have no excuses. It has been awhile and whilst I still enjoy reading some of my favourite blogs I haven't wrote one myself for awhile.
So I'll have a catch up with the girls. They are 3! Yes THREE. We made it to three years!, two and a half years ago I didn't think that was going to happen.
Millie: This little girl is just so smart. She astounds me with the things/subjects she talks about.. and she talks ALOT! She goes through stages of her favourite toys, sheepy was a favourite for quite awhile, then the girls were given toy chipmunks each. So Jeanette got lugged around every.where. She has also loved her little purple horse and is just getting into ponies and barbie dolls.. arrgh , how many shoes does a barbie need?? Millie loves dressing up, she wears her pink fairy dress that my sister bought her about 12 months ago everyday day over whatever she already has on and of course accessorised with a necklace. The only time I can wash these is when she is napping, thank god they dry quick!
Poppy: Has just got the bug for dressing up girly too. I think this happened when we went to a friends 4th prince and princess dressup birthday party. Although Poppy accessorises with a tiara and gloves. Cute. Just impractical at times. Poppy just loves babies and animals, she could spend all day with the horses.Yep. Horses. We got two ponies about a year ago, Coco and Milo. They are adorable and the girls love them. The girls have ridden to Pony Club and had a great day, well half day. They were so exhausted, I think from the anticpation that we left after lunch and they were asleep in their car seats before we had even left the PC grounds. We don't get to take them riding often, summer time we do more so. Whenever the ponies are hanging around the house we'll take them for a ride. At the moment the girls are looking forward to riding on the Show, only two weeks away. I'll try and remeber to post pics. We have got their little outfits all sorted and they are going in the fancy dress section and look adorable.
I also bought myself an Australia Stock Horse. Elle. and what a perfect match up we are. I took her to our first outing a few weeks ago and did soo well. I wasn't even expecting to be called in. But ened up coming home with a Reserve Champion Senior Rider, 4 first places and 4 seconds! Stoked;) Looking forward to going for long rides with the girls when they can ride on their own.
Station is going great. We had to move because of the floods.. again! But heh you should see the clover along the floodout river country, superb. I quite like moving out the back of the station, no power (generator power only) so its back to the kettle on the stove..I'd hate to keep track of the toast I burnt though, so many times I'd sit it under the grill and what for it to pop.. definately missed the toaster. We got the grass going out there again although it was much easier then the year before, just need water this time. So the girls had a swing set out there that passed the time. Being further from town I didn't get to take the girls in for as many playdates as usual, but it was great family bonding time as we seen much more of MM.
We have just finished shearing. This year was a milestone, the girls and I helped out alot more. We got the shed and quarters cleaned and ready for the shearing team. Helped with some of the mustering and even ran things at the shed for a couple of days whilst Craig was still bringing more sheep in. The girls were fantastic, whilst I was backlining and drafting they quite happily played around the shed/yards playing in the dirt. They love pushing sheep through the yards, they clap there hands whilst saying 'push up, push up'.. I'm sure they can't wait til their a foot taller though and don't have to cop so much dust.
MM has got some amazing number of goats of the land since we have moved back.. (we couldn't cart goats during the floods as trucks couldn't get in/out of the property due to creeks).. MM hired a plane and had himself and four other on the ground and cleaned them up. That was a few months ago, and I think he is planning another clean up again soon.
Last christmas we stayed home, the girls were spoilt by Santa. They got so much. But I'm sure the best present they got was their trampoline, and hasn't that got some mileage so far.. At least once a day the girls are jumping, hoping, dancing and chasing each other on it.. its huge.
I'll leave you with a few snaps of the last year.

Poppy on Milo
Girls going to playgroup
Loving on their ponies
Lambs during lmabmarking
Yummo cheescake that girls love... oh and the mumma too
Their first sewing lesson
Millie taking her dolls for a walk
Getting smokos ready for shearing
Pizza night
Girls first sewing creations
Millie & Poppy with Elle, Coco, Milo and Isa the cat
Girls at the pool, during swimming lessons
The creek just started to flood
Cousins in the back seat during the girls and I trip to Toowoomba to visit family
Off to the races
First day at Pony Club
Poppy writing her own name
Millie can too
Normal everydaywear.. and thats Jeanette
Lambmarking (sorry I can't rotate..)
OK so that was alot of photos... but we have had a great yearx
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