hhhmmm so its only been 8 months since my last post.. must. try. harder
So whats happened since August??? Well we have done sooo much!
We have played with play-doh
We have played shop keepers
Early September was shearing and that just flew straight by me. The dad was off before daylight and home at dark. The girls and I kept busy, painting, dressups, colouring in. But we needed a change so during the week a couple of times we took the journey to the shearing shed and listened to the buzz of the handpieces and watched the shearers do what they do best.
Millie with her new friend
Girls playing with the lamb
We also had a family wedding back in my hometown of Cobar, great catching up with everyone. Now that my family is all so far apart I really look forward to weddings and Christmas catch ups. Seeing how much my nieces and nephews grow up each time I see the astounds me.
The colour workshop - great ladies day
Later in September I held a workshop at home and had ladies from around the district pop in for the day. The Dept. of Industry and Investment along with Centacare organised some Professional Colour Experts to come and teach us what colours worked for each person. Really it was just a fun catch up day with some excellent company.
One of the two kittens with Poppy
October we welcomed two new family members... no not twins!! Two kittens. They are joining the mice killing ranks with our older cat Diaz. They are such delightful little kritters, the girls are forever picking them up and putting them down the slippery dip and yet they don't seem to mind. We love these two.
November seen us splashing some paint throughout the house, and I'm happy to report that the whole, yes whole of the house is the one colour! YAY, such a big house.. when we first moved in we stripped wall paper, patched up holes, ripped up 50+yr old carpet, installed a new kitchen and yes a dishwasher, double YAY! So now that the rest of the house is painted we now have to install the laundry and down the track its only the two bathrooms that could do with some work. But hey, we're getting there!
Wiggles concert - Adelaide
Late November we took a couple of weeks to have a little family holiday. This saw us catching up with friends in Adelaide and we all stayed at a resort by the beach which also had a great pool and play area... the girls loved it! We timed it also so we could take the cherubs to the Wiggles concert. They rocked it! Although my princess' both had a short nap each during the show, but I was sort of expecting that.
Stansbury Park - One of the stop off for Fish n' Chips whilst at Balgowan
After Adel we went and seen hubbys grandparents for a few nights so they could see the girls. Following on from that we went for a few nights at a small coastal town in SA, called Balgowan with mates. What a gorgeous little place that is! Plenty of beach space for the tots to build castles and the dads to fish. Oh and they also had a great little park. There were so many little towns close to Balgowan, and I think we popped into all of them, play here, fish and chips there and so on.. After our last stop over at another friends station we were on our way home from a really terrific get away... and just what hubby needed I think!
December...oooh what a month! With all the rain up North we knew that the river was going to rise and had the potential to flood in some areas over the Christmas break. So after talks with the local Water authority we packed up our essentials and move to another house on the station, Bono Tanks. This was very tedious, we packed the horse float with all the kids essentials, cots, toys, high chairs, clothing.. along with loading a trailer up with all shed tools and equip. The truck and other work utes had to be moved also. As well as 5 dogs, 2 kittens (yes Diaz stayed at home and is defending for herself) and 5 chooks! Oh and so much more that I can't even remember. So anyhew that was all relocated and we went to Cobar for the Christmas break. When we got back to Bono and the water was still low enough to access our main house. We contacted the Water Authority and were advised that they thought that it would remain just a high river... so yep everything was moved back to the main house. What we didn't plan on was the six inches that fell over 3 days in that first week of January that topped up the Creek and cut off access (2 foot over our access bridge). Luckily hubby was on the ball and as soon as it started spitting we got all the vehicles on the other side on the Creek 'just incase' and thank god he did. So we had to get all our essentials back to the other side of the Creek all via a little tinny. And here we are today, 4.5 months later living in a little house, very modest, the old kettle has been pulled out and gets a workout daily. The loungeroom also boast that it's also the office, sewing room, play room and storage area! We are all sharing a bedroom, and surprisingly the girls are handling it quite well, although they do have days that you have to constantly walk in and tell them to be quiet whilst their jumping, singing, dancing and giggling at each other when its nap time..
February, March and April have all been relatively quiet, with only a few trips into Broken Hill to take the girls to Cubbyhouse, Kindergym etc. A trip in for St Pat's Races and a girls trip in to see Dorothy the Dinosaur!
The girls and I heading into Dorothy the Dinosaur (the sewing machine has been ticking away on a few cute outfits)
I have also been busily sewing for my two babes and nieces and nephews. I will post some pics next blog.
The girls have been fantastic, they can talk so clearly, although they've always been good talkers. But now we can have conversations. They are like little sponges, soaking up every little bit of info. Like out of the blue the other day whilst out driving around the station, Millie seen a roo and promptly said 'oh, no baby in pouch'! Hubby and I were a little dumbfounded. These two are always surprising us. Poppy has Beiber fever, she walks around the house singing 'baby, baby, baby ohh' repetitively. Another favourite at the moment is Baa Baa Black Sheep. The girls also can count to ten and say the alphabet, they've known these for awhile now. I can't believe in one month my babies will be 2. I'm such a lucky mumma to have two gorgeous girlsxx